After our standard breakfast menu, (eggs, bacon, pancakes, oatmeal fruit, orange juice) and a quick map meeting, we left Oregon for Idaho less than a mile from the Clarion Hotel in Ontario. It was a fast moving crowd today, as the climbing was not difficult and the distance was on the short side (63 miles). A SAG stop at 31 miles offered a chance for a breather and then we continued across farm country toward Boise. We even braved a road construction site with several ROAD CLOSED, and even one DEAD END barriers. As we got closer to Boise, we returned to civilization and got used to city riding again. We stopped in an area called Hyde park for lunch and ice cream. Swung by the Idaho State Capital Building and finally arrived at our designation of the Courtyard by Marriot. This will be our home for the next day and a half, as we get a day off from riding on Tuesday and can relax a bit. Got cleaned up, washed the bike and am now looking forward to a Barbecue tonight.
enjoy the day off-- sounds like you have deserved it. One state "down"!!