86 miles today and the weather is starting to warm up. We rode mostly of frontage roads to the Interstate today but did stray over to the Snake River again as we peddled thru cattle country, one of our riders from Germany saw his first Cowboy as they were loading cattle onto a semi truck out in the middle of nowhere. Its free range out here, with only metal cattle guards to keep the cows off the Interstate highway. One of the sites we passed is called Register Rock, its a large rock that settlers in the 19th century would scribe their name on as they traveled west. We passed a couple areas that were burned in a brush fire, but the bigger fire you may have heard about is about 15 miles south of our route. Mike our trip leader broke his right ankle this morning while changing a flat tire on one of our support vans, he will be hobbling around on one of those plastic casts for the rest of our trip. Mike never seems to sit still, he is always running around doing something to help one of the riders, or jumping out of the van to take pictures, so this is going to kill him to not be able to ride a bike or drive. We have a relatively light day of 65 miles on Sunday, with another big test on Monday. Check back to see how we do.
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