Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bonus Ride in January

How can you pass up a near 70 degree day in January? I didn't. I was back on my home territory for the first ride of the year. Down the Parkway bike path to Route 123 and then along its bike path to Occoquan Regional Park. A short stop for liquid refreshments, and then back home along the same route. I use this route for a lot of my training, I can add mileage by repeating the Route 123 segments to add another 20 miles. The park has rest rooms and water available, but you pay for the facilities by climbing the hill as you exit the park. It seems that nothing is free. Bike paths are generally safe, but you have to be careful when you are riding against traffic. A driver in a car waiting to turn right, may have all their focus on traffic approaching from their left, and not see you at all approaching from their right. Unless you make eye contact, assume they don't know you exist.

My indoor training has been going well, didn't miss a weekday class until today

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